Wednesday, February 1, 2012

that bloody roundabout - still

KITCHENER — A traffic consultant says a crash-prone roundabout at Homer Watson Boulevard and Block Line Road should get rid of its unnecessary third lane.

But leave the crosswalks where they are. And stop telling baffled drivers to signal left turns. Keep it simple and stress right signals upon exit.

The region’s biggest, busiest and most controversial roundabout opened last August to dozens of fender-benders and a high school student hit by a bus in a crosswalk. Collisions have declined since November.

“We think the roundabout’s well-designed,” said traffic engineer Brian Malone of the global engineering firm CIMA+.

To improve safety, politicians and planners have revised signage, lowered nearby speed limits and added school crossing guards. Malone’s firm, hired by regional government to review the circle, has made 14 further recommendations. Politicians will consider them Jan. 31. Many relate to paint on asphalt and signage.


D - simple? How about a sign that just says YIELD. The rest is implicit.

D - me, I now must deal with a roundabout on the way to work. On Fountain going into Cambridge. With 2 lanes, nobody sticks to 1 lane and slows down appropriately. They slingshot and hop lanes to maintain speed.
Go team.

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