The rankings
The top 5 countries:
1. Bolivia
2. Angola
3. Namibia
4. Paraguay
5. Argentina
The worst countries:
1. Singapore
2. Kuwait
3. Israel
4. Korea
5. United Arab Emirates
The G8 countries:
1. Canada (15th)
2. Russia (31st)
3. France (77)
4. United States (103)
5. Germany (119)
6. United Kingdom (129)
7. Italy (135)
8. Japan (144)
Read it on Global News: Global News | Vancouver scientists unveil global index measuring economy and ecology
D - Canada is top of G8, 3rd in G20.
Rashid Sumaila, a University of British Columbia environmental and resource economics professor unveiled his team’s rankings system Monday at the annual American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) meeting held this year in Vancouver. UBC partnered with the Global Footprint Network, an international think tank, to compile the list.
Read it on Global News: Global News | Vancouver scientists unveil global index measuring economy and ecology
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