Kitchener is the centre of the snow controversy, presumably because the city recently boosted fines for property owners who don't clear snow off their sidewalks within 24 hours of a snowfall. The fine now for a snow-covered sidewalk on a regular lot is $300. It increases to $500 for wider properties or corner lots."

D: Folks that use the bus then use the sidewalk. Uptown Waterloo, for a whole week, I got on and off the bus on a huge heap of compacted slick snow. If I was old or decrepit, I would have feared for my safety. I had an older gentleman beg me to delay the driver so he could wade through the uncleared snow to another bus. I heard many stories like that.
Taking a bus is not viable unless the mount/dismount areas, and nearby sidewalks are all clear.
Some mount/dismount areas lacked concrete to step out onto. Many were cleared only sporadically. A bus service without a related snow removal service is a problem.
Even on King Street/Waterloo, there were long periods this winter when they were nearly impassable in spots.

Everybody wins from good service from the bus system, from cleared and available sidewalks, from bike lanes. Including car drivers! Think about it. The more sidewalks and bike lanes, the more people bike or walk or take the bus. This means less drivers, less cars, less traffic- and less traffic congestion. The remaining drivers get to work easier and faster.

The industrial section of Waterloo I work in has no sidewalks. I walk on the road with heavy transport trucks. When nearby factories are getting out, the rolling stops are dangerous too.
I am curious why this stretch of low-wage factories assumes everybody will drive.
We all cut down the nearby hill rather than walking 2 extra blocks for Kumpf Drive.
I am curious why steps could not be put in near the overpass.

This is not restricted to industrial sectors. Regina, with poles in the middle of sidewalks, are of no use to parents with baby strollers. My friend J was honked at for walking on the street with her toddler- but she had no choice.
Clearing sidewalks entails more than a narrow path, with one foot placed in front of the other.

Uptown Waterloo wishes to attract customers. Well, folks with strollers and who have fragile bones and bad balance will stay home if they feel getting there will involve an obstacle course!

Not supporting bike and bus and sidewalks means more traffic. Everybody loses.
With good city planning, everybody wins.

Tomorrow I will review the actual cost of car pollution to society,once the negative externalities of accident costs and pollution health costs are factored in. The answer might surprise you!