Wednesday, December 7, 2011

light rail. thoughts.

WATERLOO REGION — Bureaucrats planning rail transit want to find a private firm to operate the $818-million system that launches in 2017.

Rapid transit director Nancy Button proposed Tuesday that council own the transit system and set standards and fares. A private partner would design, build, finance, maintain and operate it under contract for up to 30 years.

The private firm would assume risks around construction and operation, Button explained, while bringing expertise and innovation that regional government lacks.

Rail transit “really is outside the scale of anything the region has done internally,” Waterloo Coun. Sean Strickland said.


D - this ignores the need for mixed development zoning and such.

Waterloo is nearly out of new land to develop. We won't have all that developer cash flowing in, which will leave us in the same boat as Mississauga, which is finding it cannot afford to maintain it's hard and soft public infrastructure.

There is every indication that detached single family houses do not pay for themselves with property taxes.

There was a great article by Mr. Diamond with a Toronto architect firm last Friday in the G&M. But their search engine is nigh-useless, and I could not locate it again.

He suggested requiring intensification only where there are bus routes, instead of the usual v.v.

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