Tuesday, October 25, 2011

dangerous crosswalk intersection

This is the intersection of Westmount and Father David Bauer/ Westcourt Place.
We've all nearly ended up on car hoods by car drivers engaged in rolling stops through a red.
It is always on the corner with the mall.
The broad ogive makes drivers think they can maintain speed on a turn.
They approach from Kitchener towards University. They pull a hard right onto FDB. They are unable to see past stopped cars to their left -and do so anyway.
I'm sure they'll express shocked disbelief about how a pedestrian 'appeared out of nowhere' when they hit somebody.
A sharper corner would discourage them.

On a related note, a month ago I was returning from the mall to Westcourt Place.
The walk sign was still 'go' when I started. There are 5 lanes to cross.
I was alarmed by the sound of honking right beside me. A car had tried to pull left off of FDB onto Westmount. After 5 lanes the walk sign had expired. This happens to the old people who live in area even when they promptly begin to walk.
Anyway, I gestured to the walk sign.
The husband of the wife said I did not have the right of way. Sadly he refused to step out of the car. Nonetheless, I no longer cross on a 'stale green', or whatever the equivalent for a pedestrian cross walk is.

To the city designers - the same ones that made a foot-wide pseudo-bike lane on Westmount, a mere block from where a cyclist was killed in a proper one a year ago - take note.
When I talk about a particular corner, I am describing road features that exist in multiple locations in K-W. I assume any corner or intersection with the same features will exhibit the same deviance. When a pedestrian gets hit, I may very well suggest the fail was YOUR fault.
Maybe I'll write your boss in your department while citing studies indicating that road feature was dangerous - and you built it anyway.
I think we can safely assume that the city's road designers don't bus bike or walk to work.

1 comment:

dino snider said...

Not just me. I saw another pedestrian get honked at -same place -for using the cross walk. And he walked right away. Like I said, we have alotta retirees in the area too.