Monday, December 14, 2009

UK study: 40kph zones would reduce pedestrian deaths

ScienceDaily (Dec. 14, 2009) — Traffic speed zones with a limit of 20 miles per hour reduce casualties by 41.9% with the greatest reduction in child casualties, according to research published today in the British Medical Journal.

D: not surprisingly.
Every second of additional reaction time would 1/2 accidents.

But roads all made for full-width emergency vehicles 'feel' safe at higher speeds.
Without traffic enforcement or 'calming measures', that means folks will drive as fast as they feel safe.
I'd like to see smaller emergency vehicles. Suddenly tight narrow back streets with severe turn ogives on corners would take care of speeding.

You gonna do it if yer tire will clip the curb?

Wide lanes and gradual ogives allow hi-G non-stop turns.

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