Friday, March 27, 2009

less lanes more safe - study

Hartford was the first US city to develop and implement a comprehensive citywide traffic calming masterplan. Included in the plan were the building of mini-roundabouts, curb extensions, speed tables, parking chicanes, bicycle lanes and the implementation of "road diets" in which excess lanes were eliminated from particular streets.


However, there were significant reductions in crash rates on three streets, Franklin, Main and Wethersfield, which the team explains was due significantly to the reduction in speed on these roads achieved by putting them on a road diet.
"Speeds at the study sites were reduced by up to six miles per hour, with an average reduction of three to four miles per hour," the team explains, "The road diets also prevented aggressive drivers from passing more prudent drivers, thus, eliminating one potential source of conflict."

1) slower
2) less lanes means less passing.

We all know 50kph means 60-70kph.

I suggest
1) 40kph
2) meaning 50 tops.
That means lotsa traffic cops. Everybody hates them, but without a decent chance to get caught, the occasional speeding ticket just becomes 'the cost of doing business'.
I think up to 14kph over the speed limit does not result in demerit points, just a fine.
So busting somebody at 20kph over for 20 over would start to sting in a hurry...

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