Tuesday, August 12, 2008

why car drivers don't signal


The good:

Danek says some people are afraid that if they signal to change lanes, the car in the next lane will speed up to block their car.

The bad:

He noted that turn signals didn't even become standard in cars until the 1960s -- people who wanted to signal used to have to stick their left arm out the window.

The ugly:

He said it's also a matter of habit -- like buckling your seat belt. Some people aren't taught properly and don't get into the habit of doing it

D: over half of Americans don't signal!

See my bike blog. The accident types cars/bikes get into are aggravated by a lack of signalling.

But folks who signal don't automatically get off the hook. Some:

1) signal a mere second before hauling on the brake to turn. Useless

2) signal a whole block ahead of time, passing parking lots and turnoffs the whole way. Useless.

D: Might I suggest signalling 3 seconds before turning, after the last turnoff prior to the one you want?!

I saw a car with the rear running lights off last night. Get a second person to check your car once in a while, or walk around your car while parked.

Sadly, if I try to indicated a light is out with the "L -sign", folks may think I'm calling them a loser.I try toggling or covering my bike light to imply it sometimes.

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