Wednesday, July 16, 2008

city plan 2.0

D: "(PARIS) The first step was to invest in better transit in outlying regions to ensure that everyone in the greater Paris area had access to high-quality public transit. The next step was to create express lanes on main thoroughfares for buses and bicycles, thus reducing the number of lanes for cars. The third step was to establish a city bicycle rental program"
D: it looks like a zero-sum game.
But every person who finds reforms make public transit or cycling viable are off the road.

"The cars-only model is being challenged by the "National Complete Streets Coalition", an assemblage of citizen groups including the Natural Resources Defense Council, AARP (an organization of 38 million older Americans), and local and national cycling organizations. This coalition has aggressively lobbied for "complete streets" policies"
D: COMPLETE STREETS. A handy slogan to rally around.

D: the cost of 'free parking' to society is enormous.
D: this is terrific, for cyclists too.

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