Tuesday, May 13, 2008

more money wasted on parking


"A new parking strategy for uptown Waterloo includes paid on-street parking and up to three new parking garages.

One of the garages could be built at Caroline Street South and Willis Way by 2013 at a cost of $18.7 million. It could have up to 750 spaces."

D: Everybody likely noticed the new buildings built by the Market Square.
I kept asking what that would do to parking.

Apparently, it means
1) private parking is lost
2) the tax base - your money - is used to subsidize this private parking loss.

I got a question:
The garage might open the way for a Westin luxury hotel in the core.

D: this is an example of a private profit-based company making use of externalizing the negative cost of parking.
I'm not against a hotel - I'm just against them off-loading the cost of parking.
If they want to build a hotel, they can build the parking too.

D: it's funny. We can afford to cover a vast swathe of land with asphalt.
But public transit initiatives are expensive!

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