Wednesday, April 18, 2012

long term health impact of particulates However, these short-term studies left unclear how many extra admissions occurred in the long run, and only included people who live near air pollution monitors, typically located in cities. No studies of long-term exposure to fine air particles (over the course of a year or two years) and rates of hospitalizations had been done. Our study found that long-term rates of admissions for pneumonia, heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes are higher in locations with higher long-term average particle concentrations. These particles, such as soot from vehicles, and other particles from power plants, wood burning, and certain industrial processes, are a significanthealth riskwhen they lodgein the lungs, causing inflammation there and in the rest of the body, and contributing to lung and heart disease. For every 10-µg/m3 increase in long-term PM2.5 exposure, the researchers found a 4.22% increase in respiratory admissions, a 3.12% increase in cardiovascular disease admissions, a 3.49% increase in stroke admissions, and a 6.33% increase in diabetes admissions. "Particulate air pollution is one of the largest avoidable causes of death and illness in the United States, and unlike diet and exercise, does not require behavioral change. Off-the-shelf technology can be retrofitted onto sources of pollution at modest cost, with a large health benefit. ========== [PDF] A Glance at Outdoor Air Quality and Human Health in Waterloo Region File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat 2 Jun 2005 – and particulate levels with a variety of negative health impacts ... Fine particulates (PM2 . 5) refers to a ... Waterloo Region's Outdoor Air Quality: ... D - what a gem! Where images are from. D - cars don't just kill by hitting pedestrians. They kill simply by being used. Your right to throw your fist stops at my nose. Your unfettered right to drive a car ends at a similar point- before my LUNGS. Unless you wish to direct all those exhaust fumes into your passenger compartment. Of course, that'd be suicide. This is a slow and more broad and random version of the same. Criminal negligence causing death. I stand corrected. The Car is King was mantra of mine. Now it's a murderous dictator. Proof's in the puddin'.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

light rail. uptown waterloo. still no bike lane

D- notice anything? Yup. Stick sux a*s for cyclists.
There is not, nor will there ever be, any place for bicycles uptown.
"Just walk it!"
Really? For how many blocks? Plus walking beside my bike occupies TWICE the width as riding it. Damned if do, or if don't.
And occupying a whole lane will no longer be an option with only one car lane each way. Though if you did so to avoid the 'door prize' now, you'd still get harrassed by cars, even though they have another lane to use. Try it sometime.

Thank GOD (sarcasm!) there will still be on-street parking for cars instead of space dedicated to bike lanes! Grr.